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Formats a given number into a monetary format that is human-readable, with options to customize the currency, number of decimal places, and locale.

It returns a string representing the formatted monetary value. If an error occurs during formatting, the function will catch the exception and return the original number as a string.

Priority of options: decimalPlaces => currency => default value(2)


number: number[required] - The numeric value to be formatted as a monetary amount.

FormatMoneyOptions[optional] - Optional configuration for formatting the money value, including:

  • currency [Currency-optional]: A Currency specifying the currency code to format the number with Defaults to "USD".
  • decimalPlaces [number-optional]: The number of decimal places to display in the formatted string. If not specified, Defaults to 2 decimal places.
  • locale [string-optional]: The locale string to use for formatting the number, affecting the currency symbol position, thousand separator, and decimal point Defaults to "en-US".

To use the Currency type, simply follow this step:

import { CurrencyConstants } from "@deriv-com/utils";

type TCurrency = CurrencyConstants.Currency;


Formats a number as USD with default locale and decimal places

formatMoney(1234.56); // "1,234.56"

Formats a number as EUR with custom locale and decimal places

formatMoney(1234.56, { currency: 'EUR', locale: 'de-DE', decimalPlaces: 1 }); // "1.234,6"